Hi David
I think there is an option to save your work before every compile.
I normally have this set as I have been caught numerous times losing an hour or so’s work.
Now I compile more often.
Hi David
I think there is an option to save your work before every compile.
I normally have this set as I have been caught numerous times losing an hour or so’s work.
Now I compile more often.
Hi David
Saw your post and was intrigued enough to want to find out more about the major new development for New Zealand you mention. My background is education development. I am a former Chair of Examiners for Computer Science in the UK as well as a founder member of Computing At School group in the UK. I have been an advocate for Delphi in education for a very long time. Would love to find out more about Delphi in education in New Zealand.
KInd regards
Dr Kevin R Bond FBCS, CITP, MACM, MIEEE, Embarcadero MVP
Managing Director
Educational Computing Services Ltd
web site: www.educational-computing.co.uk
Apologies to group: my email client automatically added the tail. I remembered after I posted that I was aksed on a previ0us occasion not to do this. Consider myself admonished ( to the moderator).
Not a problem, @drbond. Just wanting to protect your details online.