A Rare Opportunity is Available

The ADUG Committee is short staffed, and is looking for a dynamic, enthusiastic member to join the Committee at the next AGM.

In the meantime, internships are being offered for candidates with the relevant experience and skills. This will give you an chance to see what a wonderful opportunity this really is.

Volunteering as an intern, you will

  • make a short term commitment only
  • work from the comfort of your home. This in involves meeting for appromimately 1 hour on the first Monday of each month via a Zoom session.
  • optionally be involved with one (or more) of the departments of the committee; web site development, ADUG systems development, meetings organisation, publicity, treasury.
  • take part in short meetings without waffling

Benefits of this internship

  • receive a full year’s remuneration for less than one year’s work
  • feel good about working to strengthen ADUG
  • be part of an experienced and committed team

You’ve been to the symposium. You found it worthwhile. Why not take up this special offer to be more involved with our great community?

Expressions of interest and inquiries can be directed to any committee member, raised in a reply to this post, or sent to vice-president@adug.org.au

Get Involved Now!

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Just 1 year’s remumeration? Sorry but I don’t even get out of bed for less than 2 year’s remuneration these days. :rofl:

I’d also list under benefits

  • Get your chance to add that must have feature to the prize draw software you’re sure it really needs.
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Andrew Hill - Port Macquarie
70yr old Delphi Programmer (Turbo Pascal 1 to Alexander)
Keen UniGUI programmer.
Please provide more information to my personal email (andyhill@axfite.com.au) - thanks

A question that has arisen is : How much time is needed?

The minimum is 1 hour per month for the committee meeting. Apart from time thinking about any issues that may arise, any other time would be for tasks for which you volunteer. If you don’t have much time, or a task doesn’t appeal, then you won’t be asked to do it.

This a quiet time of the year generally, so it is an ideal time to ‘sit in’ and see what is involved without making a big time, or long term commitment.

Please consider giving it a go. Fresh ideas and approaches are always welcome. ADUG can’t continue to support members without people on the committee.