About the General Help category

This covers topics that don’t fit into the categories above.

i want on windows 10 by embarcadero delphi 10.4.2 show a bitmap in a window, but this does not work:
hdcBmp := CreateCompatibleDC(windc);
hOldBmp := SelectObject(hdcBmp, hBmp);
BitBlt(windc, 30, 10, 620, 489, hdcBmp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject(hdcBmp, hOldBmp);

sueking what is to do now?
and there is written 2years later, have i slept?

The 2 years refers to the date that this category was created for questions. This is the first question in the category, so it is 2 years since it has been referenced.

Your question could also have been asked in the VCL category.

but i want this bitmap in no-vcl

If you aren’t using VCL to display it, then I assume you are using FMX.

I have only used VCL for this loading the image from file directly.

You might want to try searching for ‘display bitmap using delphi fmx’. I found a number of results, although on a quick look, the approaches were quite different from yours.