ADUG Adelaide Meeting - August 2021

Hello Folks!

This is a short reminder that the next ADUG Adelaide meeting is on this Tuesday, 17th August 2021 at 6 PM local time.

Unfortunately I did not have any time to prepare a presentation and no one else has volunteered. So this will be a bring-along-your-problem-and-lets-solve-it-together evening. I have been working on project using a REST server and have seen some of the downsides of not having enough meta-data about the dataset served by the server. We could have a look at how Delphi handles this out of the box.

For more information have a look here .

Here are the details for the Zoom meeting:

Topic: ADUG Adelaide August 2021 Meeting
Time: 17 Aug 2021 18:00 Adelaide time
Join Zoom Meeting
Launch Meeting - Zoom

I hope to see you all there.


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@Mathias zoom is asking for a password for the meeting… is the link correct?

I keep getting asked for a Passcode.
Cannot find it
Cheers PaulM


I think that might be because the meeting host hasn’t started the meeting.

giving up - perhaps next month

Sorry, I did not check the forum. We are going at the moment. Here is the URL for the Zoom meeting once more:

Yeah, sorry Mathias; I tried to get into the Zoom room, however, could not get past the “Enter password” since I couldn’t find where it had been sent to me.
Next month.
Thanks :+1::+1: