ADUG Blogs ... website archaeology

I’m a bit sad to come across these by accident …

We had (have? @Lachlan ) a blog site :

I didn’t find that page first.
I came across one article by accident … and then googled “https:// www. adug. org. au/ technical/”, revealing :
(and there were a healthy set of comments on the few I’ve looked at. ** I don’t know who the authors are. ** :disappointed_relieved:)

Smart Pointers – ADUG

5 Dec 2011 — Smart pointers have a few uses, the most common being for memory management, providing a way of automatically managing the lifetime of an …

Read write image bitmap pixels in Delphi XE3 - ADUG

Are you having problems getting and setting individual pixels in your Delphi XE3 FireMonkey program ? I’ll discuss how to do it and provide code samples.

How to embed video into your source code – ADUG

In this post, I will be showing how to embed publicly hosted video into your Delphi source code. I’ll be using YouTube as an example hosting provider, …

Displaying database data in a FireMonkey application – ADUG

There is much more to LiveBindings, but for today we’ll look at this most simplest of use cases, displaying and editing a database table in a FireMonkey …

Extend search to form files – ADUG

Recently I worked on a project with many forms and database components, where I had to change the references in the components itself.

How to Create Your Own FireMonkey Image Effect - ADUG

15 Dec 2011 — Each filter specifies a single transformation or effect. This GPU-based image processing library uses DirectX Pixel Shader effects on Windows …

Creating 3D scenes dynamically in FireMonkey - ADUG

2 Jan 2012 — – so this is a post to show that it is possible and which will allow the user to “paint” simple 3D objects onto a landscape by holding the left …

Using LiveBindings to Connect the UI to Objects - ADUG

LiveBinding support was added in Delphi and C++Builder XE2. Several articles and videos have been published showing how to connect UI controls to data sources …

Dances with XML – ADUG

Yes, this helps to a degree, but not enough. And to date, there is no FOSS or commercial publicly available Delphi XML processor library with a fluent API, that …

LiveBindings Part 2 – Displaying database data in a VCL (or …

Binding Expressions are instructions for the LiveBindings engine on exactly how to bind, in this instance, a database field to a UI control. For a TBindLink …

Rolling your own Dependency Injection - ADUG

What if you want to employ the Dependency Injection pattern in your application, but don’t want to use a third party framework for it?

For-in Enumeration - ADUG

The idea is to make enumeration over a collection of things easier and cleaner by removing the need for the iterator variable, removing the code for indexing …

How to call Java code from an XE5 Android application – ADUG

Hidden away on Google+ is this excellent walkthrough by Paul Foster on how to call Java methods from an XE5 Android application. There’s also a teaser from …

Changing the Color of a FireMonkey Edit box - ADUG

Some of the style parameters are also included in the object properties such as Font and FontFill (the new way to change the font color) but if the object code …

Extending the FireMonkey TStringGrid - ADUG

I was only looking for a stop gap minimal implementation as I expect (hope) that TMS will soon deliver FireMonkey versions of their grid components. I used the …

Using tortoise svn 1.7 and Delphi XE2 - ADUG

Turns out the command line version of svn is V1.6 found in C:Program FilesCollabNet . This is installed with XE courtesy of a setup packaged by A …

A code-free wind turbine in Firemonkey 3D - ADUG

There are many wind turbines and even wind farms out there, but no models with the blades separated from the rest of the structure. If the blades were to …

A TBitButton equivalent for FireMonkey - ADUG

In this instance the new component is essentially implemented as a style change to a TButton adding a TRoundRect containing a TImage to a TButton Style in the …

Delphi Headers now available for VLC - ADUG

VLC (VideoLan Client) is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, …

Three Dimensional FireMonkey Component Design - ADUG

6 Nov 2012 — There are two aspects of the mesh data to populate these are Data.VertexBuffer and Data.IndexBuffer. The Vertex buffer contains an array of …

A VCL to FireMonkey Convertor - ADUG

To help preserve my current code I embarked on converting the basic functions I currently use to compile under FireMonkey projects and when this required form …

Goddammit … this stuff is gold.

@Jarrod Jarrod Hollingsworth … Smart Pointers | Australian Delphi User Group Members

“DaddyHPriest” … Rolling your own Dependency Injection | Australian Delphi User Group Members

“Paul Klink” … Nested Type Enumerations | Australian Delphi User Group Members

Plenty of good posts from @Lachlan Lachlan Gemmell :

I started that ADUG Members blogging site back when I was on the committee. At some later point I think the posts got pulled into a previous incarnation of the main ADUG website, though it doesn’t look like that happens with the current site.

I still have all the access details for that original WordPress site, if anyone wants to post on it just get in touch with me and I’ll set you up to access it. It may even still be polled by DelphiFeeds and BeginEnd if we’re lucky.

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That would be interesting. It seems a shame that the material there is not readily available.

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