ADUG Melbourne Meeting May 2024

Hi Everyone,

The Melbourne ADUG May meeting is on Monday (Tomorrow) Night, 20th May.

This meeting is mostly going to be a (hopefully) fairly gentle discussion of last Friday’s Symposium.

When: 6:00pm for a 6:15pm start
Where: At the Melbourne Men’s Shed, and on Zoom.

Zoom link will be up here shortly before the meeting starts.


Geoffrey Smith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Melbourne ADUG Zoom Meeting
Time: May 20, 2024 06:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

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Melbourne ADUG meeting 20/05/2024

A bit of a review of the Symposium and presentations.

Elevate Web Builder


Would like to see some demos rather than mostly detailing its features.

Server side apears to not (yet) run on Linux, (V3 which does server
side is most recent) Robert runs client side under Mormot on Linux.
Robert mentioned client interface is really good.

There are youtube videos on it:

Ran a bit long, likely due to misunderstanding of presentation time +
question time duration.

Alister Delphi Security

Very interesting

Worrying how easy it was to pull the passwords out of the program
while it was running, and enable bits of the form that shouldn’t be

Some SQL and other sorts of injection (csv, html, pdf). Some of which
I have seen and some errr… hmm, thats very interesting. Especially
the second order SQL and html injection paths.

Comments (from audience) on Sumatra PDF being more secure, less
susceptible to injection than the other pdf readers.

We all seemed to have liked this presentation

Ian Barker

Embarcadero Delphi Developer Advocate

Says 12.1 is much faster than 11.3 LSP (error insight) has been

Many webinars on the Delphi Welcome page (if you have not disabled

Stayed busy with the online zoom attendees over lunch.

To us, he seems much more out and about compared with previous role

Tower Systems

Good Talk, Some interesting and long history
Always have had their own shop(s) for beta testing.
New employee’s get to spend some time in the shops.

Currently have 16 Verticals

Noted how canadian company(s?) are coming in and buying out the
local POS suppliers.

Stalled on D2007 for a long time, but eventually did an 18 month
upgrade to Unicode. Porting new stuff on Prod into new system during
the process.

They had a very expensive attempted cloud migration.

He mentioned VirtualUI as one option they are now using.

 We had a look at VirtualUI, this seems quite interesting. Get your 
 existing delphi program in a web browser quite easily. (Looks to 
 support back to D5)

Their software ideas forum seems like a nice concept.
Users get to suggest ideas, and other users vote and comment on it.

They try to implement at least some of the best of them.

Uses NexusDB as its database (I think??).


Interesting brief talk
Rad Server Pricing :slight_smile:

  We noted he has done some good presentations and been very good 
  for ADUG over the years.

Fast Reports

Most users only using 10% of product capability (like Office I guess)

Demo of style sheet, looks rather good. Can put a different skin on a
report quite quickly. (Though the skin needs to have been made)

Has useful things like guidelines, auto guides for making your forms.

Can retrieve data from internet, http://, GDrive:// etc.

Plenty beyond basic Reporting.

Question about making fields larger briefly (or for 1 page), to handle
rare long entry.

Would have perhaps liked some more demo, and less telling us about
the program features.

Would perhaps also like to have a peek under the hood.


Food was mostly nice, plenty of it (There were leftovers)

Good to catch up (if briefly) with other ADUG members who I now rarely