I have an 11MByte Delphi Berlin executable that is heavily dependent on the BDE to create and use DBF files and Shapefiles and has not been maintained well for 15 years. It extensively uses Steema Software components.
As a self taught part time programmer I am now in need of some help. I wrote Delphi code from 1996 to 2007 for a Geophysical PhD then got too busy doing geophysical survey to be able to maintain it but depend on the code for my survey work. Now I have commercialized my survey equipment and the associated processing software needs to be maintained again.
I now have interest in this code from a USA client to whom I have supplied equipment and need to quickly remove dependency on the BDE, while maintaining compatibility with dbf files, and sort out Windows User Account control dilemmas so the software can be brought up to a standard suitable for limited distribution.
My website Groundwater Imaging was last maintained in 2012 but gives some indication of what purpose this software has.
All responses should be sent to David