Affinity - adobe alternative - 50% off - 6 month trial

Hi All

I just got an email mentioning that Serif Affinity products are 50% off - and you can get an astonishing 6 month trial version! A$137.99 for all the products on all platforms - pretty amazing deal.

I’ve been using them for a while now - they are great products and a good way to break free from the Adobe subscription cycle.


@vincent has mentioned these guys before.

I believe you have said the software is a one-time, full ownership, purchase ?

Correct, includes updates for the current major version.

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It’ll be a dark day if I have to start reading EULAs … :sleepy:

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Great video - he doesn’t hold back :rofl:

Davinci Resolve is another great tool that I have used - there is a free version and it’s actually easier to use than Premier imho.

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Of course now that I watched that video, my youtube feed is full of videos about how bad adobe is as a company.

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