Breaking News! Embarcadero prizes are back, better than ever!

In conjunction with Code Partners, our major sponsor this year, we are excited to announce the following prizes are being added to the prize list.

  • 1 x Delphi or C++ Builder (winner’s choice) Enterprise Named User license. Worth AU$5778 inc GST. This prize is only available to attendees living in Australia/New Zealand/South East Asia. ie. Code Partners’ territory for Embarcadero.
  • 1 x Delphi Mobile Development training course (online training)
  • 1 x RAD Server training course (online training)

More details are available on the

Symposium web page

Registrations close soon:

  • Melbourne last day, 12th May
  • Online last day, 15th May

If you haven’t already done so, register now before you forget!

Symposium web page

See you there :grinning: :sparkler: