Brisbane Next Brisbane ADUG meeting - March 3rd

UPDATE; due to personal reasons tomorrow’s meeting has had to be cancelled. Sorry, and see you next month!

//ignore below
Hi All,

The monthly Brisbane meeting is on this Thursday (March 3rd) at the
usual time and place. See you there! :slight_smile:

We will take a look at the new WelcomePage API which allows for customization of the welcome page in Rad Studio.

Reminder: As the standard blurb below says; please DO make sure you RSVP if
you intend to come.

Pizza and drinks will be available at cost; keep change handy ($2/piece,

Please RSVP if you plan on attending, including food requirements. No RSVPs, no meeting; be proactive! :slight_smile:

Details about the venue etc are here as usual:

The venue and time is the same as before; Indooroopilly library, community
meeting room, 5.30pm (food), 6pm (meeting start proper) to 9pm.

Eivind Bakkestuen