COMPETITION - Win a Free Registration to the World Delphi Summit

Via Jim McKeeth and GDK, we’ve been provided with the chance to give away an online registration for the World Delphi Summit coming up in June. ( )

I have had some Delphi quiz questions in mind for some time now … and (fortunately) didn’t think to try to ask them during our Symposium.

We will collect answers to the second (final) question over the few days after it is posted, then pick at random from all correct answers.

The first question might be stretching the Delphi trivia knowledge, so it’s just for a warmup and to hopefully garner your attention.

All answers should be

*** DON’T POST YOUR ANSWER IN THIS THREAD *** :shushing_face:

See next post for the first (warmup) question.

Question 1.

Warm-up question.

WHEN did we first see a TFuture described for Delphi ?

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Trick question - only Marty McFly and The Doc can see into the TFuture…


I see your Marty and Doc, and raise you The Doctor and Terminator…

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There’s an incredible line-up of talent presenting over two days …

Jim McKeeth and Ian Barker - Keynote

Cary Jensen - Selected Advanced FireDAC Technologies

Marco Cantu - Building FireMonkey Apps with Style

Richard Hatherall - Test driven development with WebMocks

Serge Pilko - How to replace DataBase components with Rest API calls in Delphi

Jim McKeeth - Evidence Based Delphi Engineering

Frank Lauter - MVVM - The Delphi Way!

Primož Gabrijelčič - Defensive programming for a better future

Marco Geuze - Delphi and AI

Bob Swart - REST with WebBroker in Delphi

Conrad Vermeulen - From monoliths to microservices

Panel discussion with Jim McKeeth, Ian Barker and MVPs

Ray Konopka - Component Building: Fundamentals

Patrick Quist – Linux Delphi Services

Stefan Glienke – Why the heck is my application slow?! - Profiling with VTune

Olaf Monien - REST Easy

Christoph Schneider – Firestone Cloud

Patrick Prémartin - Synchronize your databases

Carlos Agnes - The Best of Delphi Underground

Andrea Raimondi - Algorithmic password hardening

Bruno Fierens – Build a full-stack application within an hour

Barnsten - License Management, support and subscription

NexusDB - Implementing NP-C and NP-Hard Algorithms

Ian Barker - What to do if you’re old, ugly, and everything is annoying

Question 2.

The only one that counts for the draw to win the FREE Online Registration :

Using a recent version of Delphi - IGNORING whitespace - what is the shortest program (in source characters) that you can compile?

Answer to be the count of non-whitespace characters in the compiled source code.
ie ignore space, tab, CR, LF - but counting eg semicolon, quotes, fullstop.

Remember - don’t answer here. Send the answers as posted above.

Don’t miss out on an easy (~) prize …

the Online Registration is worth more than AU$300 :tada:

(Online ticket page : )

And the line-up is amazing. :fire:

Hint : the following is NOT short enough. (and whitespace doesn’t count)

program Project1;





  • And don’t worry about what version of Delphi you have.
  • The answer seems to be correct back to Delphi 5 (at least).


The WDS starts on the 13th June (in The Netherlands).

If you have sent an answer and not had any feedback - let me know here.

The opportunity will be over this time tomorrow (Wed 12-06-2024).
Don’t miss out if you are interested to attend (online).