Delphi Web Apps examples

I am proposing to a company they should consider Delphi for their web applications. They have asked me to “find some actual examples of Delphi web apps”. Where would I look to answer this question?

Try IntraWeb and WebCore – they very probably advertise it.

PS: I’m working on one right now. Comes out pretty neat. And with the 2 above, you have a choice of where you do things: mostly server-side with IW, or mostly client-side with WC, so I would suggest to use both. There is a learning curve and it helps if your background is wider than just Delphi, as there’s JavaScript, CSS, etc. involved.


Thanks Alexander, I found a testimonial page for IntraWeb, however with webcore, it is not even clear that it is even Delphi driven, unless I have the wrong site. (

Probably wrong, try “TMS WEB CORE”


Alexander Pastuhov

0414 453 433

Also if you contact Code Partners in Sydney, the Embarcadero agents for Australasia, they should know

Hi Alexander, I found TMS Software | Customers, however it has only one web app testimonial. Thank you for your help.

Web core is a Delphi add on that allows you to build web apps in Delphi using Delphi Pascal and converts to Javascript but connection to database servers requires additional DB modules from TMSSoftware. Having used it, it works very well but is expensive when you add the TMS components .

Check out their web site



I suggest eg contacting Glenn Dufke, maybe on LinkedIn, or if he has given a public talk about HTMX.
He has been talking about it for some time.

Intraweb does not produce idomatic web applications - it was ground breaking back in the day but is not really practical these days - I won’t really comment on TMS Web Core having never used it.

Maybe contact Daniele Teti - - author of Delphi MVC.

Delphi MVC allows you to write your back end in Delphi and use whatever you want for the front end, be that HTMX, React, Vue, Svelte etc. It is very similar to other web mvc frameworks like mvc or Ruby on Rails.


I disagree: with Templates, it’s really neat. There’s a simple video available:

It’s already outdated, it’s even more powerful now.


Check this one out (I’m a big fan)
But this video is quite old (currently version 3.09).
Pascal coding and Delphi like GUI - and VERY reasonably priced - I’ve ben using it for years.

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Quartex Pascal is also worth a look :

I did check it out a couple of years ago and much preferred the Elevate product but your view may differ :slight_smile:

Hi Robert

I have just about completed my first web application.

It is written using Elevate Web Builder with the server written in Delphi.

I know nothing about writing web apps (and probably still dont) but I know delphi.

Seems to work quite well.

Not sure if I can show it to you though.

If you wish to know more please ask.

Graeme Keast.


When’s a good time to chat (send me a SMS ?) :slight_smile:

I am happy to chat (0421032190). I have always kept an eye on elevate since they started. I am sure elevate would suit quite nicely. My problem is that I need to sell the solution to marketing type people, and the elevate web builder web page looks like it is out of the nineties.

Let’s say you use a common stack - React + Node.JS. You’ll easily find a team to build it now, and to edit it in the future.
You’ll have access to a library used global by millions, so its rock solid, heaps of help and tutorials and lots of examples.
You won’t be cutting off your ability (or others ability) to use the power of Javascript and CSS which are fit for purpose for web apps.
You will have zero licensing fee’s to use these technologies - just a little of your time to learn the different syntax.

If you were to take one step back from this ideal toolchain you might build services written in Delphi that provided JSON endpoints i.e. a REST Web Server using one of the many choices/libraries you’ll find outside of what’s in the box. You would take this approach if you had a sizable Delphi codebase already, had a lot of logic in classes/code instead of in a database and could see a Delphi developer or developers always being on the team in the future.
At this point, most experienced teams will still tell you to avoid any web-ui stuff in Delphi itself.

If the project is small (let’s say two-four weeks of work) then ultimately it doesn’t really matter which path you take. If its mission critical, this advice will save you taking a very painful commercial journey that won’t end well for a whole host of reasons.

We should probably also try to answer the original question. :slight_smile: