Some pretty cool talks last night (this morning) … with 2 more days to go. Some I saw were:
Marco Cantu → status quo + roadmap stuff.
Erik Bilsen → entity component systems.
Ian Barker → Skia4Delphi.
Alister Christie → (always great) on the IDE + language.
I get a strange vibe from the commercial side of it. Free to watch. Free to “buy” an ‘All Access Pass’ to the replays before it started … or else $400 after that. ???
By contrast, Cppcon costs to attend (maybe online attendance was ~$150 this year) … but then virtually everything gets released to YouTube.
In any case, GoToWebinar was apparently being a bit unreliable, so maybe the replay issue might be significantly relaxed. Just seems like a weird approach to me.
Maybe it’s a good sign that GoToWebinar met it’s attendance cap (whatever that number was) and the overflow broadcast video on YouTube shows 1168 views.
Yes, they emailed out unlisted links.
But afaik, none of the second group are publicly released. I’m surprised that eg at least David Millington’'s C++/Delphi talk isn’t released. It was really good.