Their seems to be little help on the internet to create a *.exe file
Its a 64 bit VCL Application I want to run
It’s better to show you with what I’m making than describe in words alone my project
I’m sure I need to set a switch or something before creating a *.exe file
I have not recorded any setting changes to the complier yet ? I hope
Its not as straight forward as Delphi 7
It’s pretty easy though, basically you double click the platform you want to switch to as your target. If the platform you need isn’t listed you right click the Target Platforms node and select “Add”.
That’s because Delphi 7 could only create Windows exes - whereas RAD Studio 12.2 can create executables for several other platforms: Win32, Win64, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux - so the same method of putting the exe directly in the output folder would not easily work.