Found fundamental problems in TStringGrid's design

First thing TString Grid is one complicated best and a massive under tacking
for any one to take on - no ones perfect okey
I think the internal moving parts of this TStringGird is way better than the Delphi 7 version so I’m not putting it down because this is a beast of an object?

TStringGrid locks its self as full and only focus on the form
You cannot do that inside Objects !!!
you cannot put another object over the Grid with SetFocusedControl(Grid) like that in this event. The mouse down having SetFocus is what should be their as it is but may set the WM_SETFOCUS message. the problem is this is getting called all the time.
I ask the question should their be be a FGridHasFocus value in the grid and only on true that SetFocusedControl(Grid) is called in the WM_SETFOCUS message. And a loose focus event sets the FGridHasFocus to False.

procedure TInplaceEdit.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
  case Message.Msg of
        if (GetParentForm(Self) = nil) or GetParentForm(Self).SetFocusedControl(Grid) then
        if UINT(GetMessageTime - FClickTime) < GetDoubleClickTime then
          Message.Msg := WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK;
        FClickTime := 0;
  inherited WndProc(Message);

Removing this focus lock from the form
means take any screen object example TEdit. Border style := bsNone, find a cell’s rect and put the editor in it. hide or move the edit when the grid moves
no problems

I found the Inplaceeditor close in the editor object and gave an event
1/ put the editor text into the focused cell
2/ enable program control linked from TStringGrid
Should people want to use the Inplaceeditor

may code needs this update

procedure TCustomGrid.CloseEdit;
  aText: string;
  UpdateEdit: Boolean;
  UpdateEdit := True;
  aText := InplaceEditor.FGrid.Text;
  If Assigned(OnCloseEditEvent) then
    FOnCloseEditEvent(Self, Selection.Left, Selection.Top, aText, UpdateEdit);
  If UpdateEdit then
    InplaceEditor.FGrid.Text := aText;

you are using the mask editor in the Grid so you could offer the mask to programmers and clear the mask as the inplaceeditor is moved?

I notice the fixed cells color is white and not the button face color at run time
I do not know why is that?

Why is TStringGrid not able to be set 1 fixedRow (Title Row) and no other rows below it? Then the programmer as rows as information is available to put in?
I know that is a difficult question.

One last thing - is it necessary to hide the access to the InplaceEditor from programmers?

[ attachment removed - copyright issues]

Another idea is focus messaging should be managed in TCustomControl or TWinConrol so its descendants call Setfocus or may be Loosefocus or what ever. And this sets a standard focus management process with all objects and then the focus system is always balanced correctly between all objects but TForm.

I look at TStringGrid’s focus and I see its been a problem that the developer has tried many times to get right as its still way to strong that it over powers all the other screen objects. This had the correct balance in Delphi 7’s TStringGrid but their seems to be changes since then? To me TStringGrid’s focus is now made very complicated in places that does it have to be that complicated?