How do I change the theme / colour used?

Click on the user icon at the top right hand corner of the page. This may be a letter or a photo.
A menu is displayed with a User icon on the right of the header. Click this.
Another menu is displayed. Select Preferences.
From the Preferences menu select Interface.

Options to change the theme and colour scheme are displayed. The changes will be applied when Save is clicked. Note that Save is a long way down the page, with lots of blank space.

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Note that on the Interface page, I don’t get any Save button. I have to go to another Settings page, like Emails, and then click Save there for it to stick.

The Save button is way down after lots of blank space.

Colours are changed in the Color Scheme drop down.

Not sure why that is, but I don’t see that on my discourse forums or on others I am a member of… the button is right there below the settings.

Seems to be something to do with the Calendar plugin, looking into it.

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