How do I find what is using compllvm.dll

Just installing 12.2 (It had failed miserably some weeks ago).

  • It did not give any errors.
  • However, TMS would not compile the packages for Android
  • So I figured, Android SDK was not installed properly
  • Delphi said it was, but I removed it
  • Now I am reinstalling Android stuff
  • It gives the error compllvm.dll is used by something.

How do I find what’s using it.
Where is it located anyway.
I have closed all foreground applications, but there are many services running.

Solved. Found the install logs. The error was actually different.

I had installed from an .iso file. When I used the Tools menu to reinstall Android packages, it was still trying to access the unrared files in the temp folder. A day had passed by and I had closed winrar.

I shall unlink .iso from Winrar to avoid future issues.

So, reinstalled the whole caboodle again. Everything seems to fine this time. However I am disappointed that for the second time, it lost my settings - Options etc.

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