Marco has been associated with Delphi for many years. As an independent consultant, Marco was also well known for his books on Delphi, talks and presentations. His Delphi Handbook is regularly updated as new Delphi versions are released. Marco became Product Manager for Embarcadero in 2012.
Marco will be presenting on how Delphi, VCL and FireMonkey fit with the new Windows App SDK and Windows platform directions.
Topics covered will include
- Delphi support for native Windows desktop applications and their evolution (like High DPI monitors)
- How Windows 11 and the Windows App SDK (formerly Project Reunion) are changing the landscape
- How Delphi is ready for the future of the Windows platform.
Specific features covered will include among others
- TEdgeBrowser
- per Monitor V2 support in VCL
- FMX HighDPI support
- new VCL components mapped to a modern UI style
- current VCL modernization efforts.
These topics effect all developers in one way or another as Windows 11 makes it way into our landscape.
Join us for Marco’s presentation at our Symposium. For more details and registrations, visit our web page ADUG Symposium 2021 .