Not all standard types are available

My Delphi file has no complier switches on or off written in the file

Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants,
System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, System.Types;

System.Types is suppose to contain Rect as by Delphi documentation

my compiler says it complies with TRect in the functions header
but I cannot install ‘Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);’ in the same function

other things like Double( Ptr^) - the word Double does not compile yet Double is in the same function s header

and the same with Int64 will not work ether
and then currency and integer all work perfectly

What is going on?

Blockquote System.Types is suppose to contain Rect as by Delphi documentation

Where are you looking?
There is TRect. → System.Types - RAD Studio API Documentation

  TRect = record
    function  GetWidth : Integer;
    function  GetHeight: Integer;
    function  GetSize  : TSize;
    procedure SetWidth (const Value: Integer);
    procedure SetHeight(const Value: Integer);
    procedure SetSize  (const Value: TSize);
    function  GetLocation: TPoint;
    constructor Create(const Origin: TPoint); overload;                              // empty rect at given origin
    constructor Create(const Origin: TPoint; Width, Height: Integer); overload;      // at TPoint of origin with width and height
    constructor Create(const Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer); overload;           // at Left, Top, Right, and Bottom
    constructor Create(const P1, P2: TPoint; Normalize: Boolean = False); overload;  // with corners specified by p1 and p2
    constructor Create(const R: TRect; Normalize: Boolean = False); overload;

Double is a Type …

   velocity : double;

If you write Double( Ptr^), then you are dereferencing a pointer to get the Type Value it points to … then casting it to Type Double, which may or may not make sense … and either way might be a code smell.

   x  :  integer;
   px : ^integer;
   d  :  double;
   x := 1;
  px := @x;
   d := Double( px^ );   //  d = 1.0

What warnings hints and errors is the compiler giving you?

i would have assumed you couldn’t cast from Int64 to Double … but I tried it and you can. ¯\(ツ)

in the end I believe I answered it my self

PDouble = ^Double;

making things into a pointer like above I can allocate memory and use pointers to load and read memory