I have created my own object and called it TKeyList
Everything traces and compiles correctly, TKeyList is descendant of TObject and TCustomKeyList, - But my TKeyList object does not show a value as a Keys pointer in the Tfrom1.Create?
what am I doing wrong as this never happed in Delphi 7
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Keys_RecordsFolder := GetCurrentDir + '/Keys_Records';
If Not(DirectoryExists(Keys_RecordsFolder))
then CreateDir(Keys_RecordsFolder);
If Not(DirectoryExists(Keys_RecordsFolder)) then halt;
Keys := TKeyList.Create('New Key');
TV.Items.AddObject(nil, 'New Key', Keys);
TNEditing := nil;
Constructor Create(KeyName: String; ParentKeyList: TKeyList = nil);