Older Android mobile won't run APK

Hi all,
I am using D12 to commence testing mobile app development on an old Android mobile. It has been set up for development mode… all good. Delphi installed with SDK 25. I get the error below when trying to run the app on the mobile. Searches on the internet seem to indicate that the mobile is too old for the APK created. Is their anything I can do to overcome this? If I install an older SDK in Delphi will this help? How do I achieve this - ADB.EXE seems to be of no use?

Unable to create process: Unable to install

I found these two links which I will need to digest:
Manual install for Android SDK/NDK in Delphi – Delphi Worlds

Manually Installing Android SDK, NDK, and Java for FireMonkey Development – The Podcast at Delphi.org

Other comments appreciated.

P.S. Android version on mobile: 4.4.4

If you’re using Delphi 12, you’ll be out of luck, due to the way “dexed” libraries are merged. It will work only for minSdkVersion of 21 (Android 5) or higher. To target Android 4.4, you’ll need Delphi 11.3. If you do, see this: HowTo/Solutions/AndroidLowerVersions at main · DelphiWorlds/HowTo · GitHub

Thanks Dave, a very useful link. I had D10.3 available on another workstation so tried successfully on that to get the APK installed onto the 4.4.4 mobile. A few other issues but heading in the right direction. Cheers,