Orange County, Southern California - Delphi user group

[Jim Hunter](

Hi, I am one of the organizers for the Orange County Delphi Users Group in So Cal. We are always looking for presenters at our monthly meetings. We are still virtual and have no plans on changing that right now, so as long as the 7pm PST time works for you (the 4th Wed of each month), we would love to have you share your cool projects with our group. PM me if you would be interested in presenting at one of our upcoming meetings.

We don’t do C++Builder, just Delphi and Delphi related stuff like using JavaScript on your Delphi generated web page. Or tuning your database for the best Delphi performance, mobile development, etc. Our group loves to learn new things and trends, but I don’t think anyone has interest in C++ though. 🙁

FYI, I think we are now the longest continuously running Delphi Users Group in the US, possibly the world. We started just a couple of months after Delphi was released. We are trying to get our numbers back up. Back in the day, we had meetings with over 100 attendees! Sadly, we don’t get that any more, so we are trying to reach out and get fresh content to bring attendance back up.

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Hi Paul

Do they have a website? I would like to attend one of their meetings if possible.


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It was short notice last night (on fb), but I completely forgot to pass on the details …

Meeting starting right now - Kim Madsen to present on kmbMW.

Reportedly being recorded.

Online event - Jan OCDUG Meeting

Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 10am to 12pm AWST
Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 12pm to 02pm AEST

Jim Hunter :

Next week, the Orange County Delphi Users Group will be having a roundtable discussion about using ChatGPT to level up your Delphi development. Join in, bring your tips on how you use ChatGPT to make your life better.
Or share your concerns or horror stories about things we should avoid or watch out for.
It will be an open discussion so be ready to contribute!
See you there! Must RSVP to get the link to attend.

Every 4th Wednesday of the month

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Perth time 10am-12pm

Orange County Delphi
Jim Hunter

"This month, on 6/28, we will have two speakers. First we will have Jim Ferguson with a general talk on Delphi development, and the second will be a presentation by Andrea Raimondi about how iOS offers the best ROI among mobile platforms in the West, but onboarding can be really expensive, unless you play it smart (and I will tell you how).

The meeting starts at 7pm California time and will last for about 2 hours.
You must RSVP on Meetup in order to get the link to the meeting. This meeting is 100% online and will be recorded."

Thursday 27th July. (TODAY)
Perth time 10am, Eastern 8am

Orange County Delphi
Jim Hunter

"This month, on July 26th, Jim Ferguson will be discussing using to to feed data to ChatGPT. is a historical stock market data warehouse where you can get real time and historical stock market data. Jim has written a very sophisticated stock market tool for assisting in analyzing stock market data in Delphi and it is lightning fast. But then again, isn’t everything written in Delphi lighting fast? :slight_smile:

The meeting starts at 7pm PST and will last for about 2 hours.

You must RSVP in order to get the link to join."

The ChatGPT session from the above meeting on

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Next meeting is today? Tomorrow?
@Geoff @davidn might know?

Meetup with Orange County Delphi User Group:

Ok it’s 10am Thursday in Perth. 8am Eastern states.

The Meetup phone app, at least, really screws up dates and times sometimes - which seems suboptimal for a meeting app. :no_mouth:

Adding for historical accuracy.
The above meeting did not occur as there was a published date confusion. It was moved.
And I was insufficiently on the ball to announce the below one in time …

Jim Hunter
Thursday, 28 September 2023 at 10:00 am (California Time)

Using TClientDataset and DataSnap to share data, and TFDMemTable use.

The Orange County Delphi Users Group invites you to attend this months meeting. It will be Wed evening at 7pm PST. This month we will have 2 speakers, one talking about using TClientDataset and DataSnap to distribute data, and the other talking about doing the same using TFDMemTable over REST. Everyone is invited, you must RSVP in order to get the link for the meeting. See you there.

Google calendar tells me it’s 11am WA time

[ Today ] [ Edit : Sorry. Wednesday night their time. Thursday daytime for us. ]

Adjusted for timezones elsewhere in Oz.

I tell you what. The Meetup app and website is badly tested for adjusting days and times across timezones. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Checkout this Meetup with Orange County Delphi User Group: Meeting cancelled, Wed, Jan 24, 2024, 7:00 PM | Meetup

Topic is TBA

We are always looking for speakers. If there is something that you are working on, or a project you finished that you would like to share with everyone, let us know. You don’t have to fill the full 2 hours, whatever you have is fine. Reply and let us know what you would like to present to the group

[Edit : oh. meeting now cancelled. ] :confused:

From the DMVC fb group …

Jim Hunter :

“The Orange County Delphi Users Group has a meeting next Wed evening and we are looking for an expert to present on DMVCFramework. It is a 2 hour meeting and we would like the presenter to use up the entire time. I personally have been using it but have only scratched the surface as to what it can do so I would love a presentation by someone that is an expert with it. Is there anyone that would like to present?”

Wed evening (perhaps Thursday for many), the Orange County Delphi Users Group is going to have our monthly meeting at 7pm PST.

We will be having a round table discussion about the user of ChatGPT to enhance your development. If you currently don’t use it then this would be a great meeting to learn how it can better your life. If you are using it, come share your tips and tricks on how you have mastered ChatGPT to increase your productivity.

You must RSVP to get the link to attend. See you there!

Checkout this Meetup with Orange County Delphi User Group:

Next week, OCDUG will be presenting - DMVCFramework: A Comprehensive Introduction by Daniele Teti

The presentation covers everything you need to know to start using the framework, and will also teach you things that you didn’t know even if you are currently using the framework.

The meeting is on Wed 4/24 at 7pm PDT. Please RSVP via Meetup in order to get the link to participate in the meeting.

Checkout this Meetup with Orange County Delphi User Group:
DMVCFramework: A Comprehensive Introduction by Daniele Teti, Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 7:00 PM | Meetup

These guys will meet on Thursday 23/05/24 … I believe 10am AWST and 8am AEST.

Using Delphi to Interface With QuickBooks

Barton Stano is our guest presenter and he will give a 20 minute presentation on 6/26 on using DELPHI and EasySoft OBDC driver, to read and write to Quickbooks data. Barton will show the good, the bad, and of course the ugly code.

If there is anyone that has a small project that they would like to present after Barton, please contact me to set it up.

The meeting will start at 7pm and last for about 2 hours. This will be an online event only, RSVP to get the link to attend.

Stay tuned, as our July meeting will be a hybrid event with an in-person presenter Jim McKeeth and we will also be streaming the event around the world. I have not posted the details yet, but sign up for both this month’s online event, and next months hybrid event and make sure you attend!

Thanks, see ya there!

Checkout this Meetup with Orange County Delphi User Group: Using Delphi to interface with Quickbooks, Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 7:00 PM | Meetup

*** please note the date has changed, it is the LAST Wed of the month, July 31st! ***

Delphi 12 Athens introduced support for Skia rendering and unlocked several other features from integrating the Skia4Delphi library. With benefits and features in both VCL and FMX, Skia4Delphi is the biggest revolution in Delphi GUI development since the introduction of FireMonkey with XE2 in 2011. Understand the basics of Skia, how it changed Delphi, and how you can use it in your applications today.
Jim McKeeth is a Delphi MVP, and the Director of Consulting at GDK Software USA. Previously he was the chief Embarcadero developer advocate, and is enthusiastic about all things Delphi, programming, and technology.
Other topics of discussion:

Codolex the new free low-code tool for Delphi developers
Unlocking the power of Python in Delphi
Pretty much anything else even remotely related if you ask….

If you join us in person you will get to enjoy pizza, beer, and soda.

This will be a hybrid event! If you are in So Cal and would like to attend in person and enjoy the free food and beer, the meeting will be at the Laguna Hills Community Center, 25555 Alicia Parkway, Laguna Hills, CA 92653. If you are elsewhere in the world, you can join live via the link that will be posted once you RSVP (the link will be visible closer to the event). If you are coming in person, once you RSVP, leave a comment that you will be attending in person so that we have enough goodies.

We look forward to seeing your faces as this will be our first in-person event in MANY years. Come celebrate with us and partake in the free food and drinks

Checkout this Meetup with Orange County Delphi User Group:

Link is updated. Join Jim McKeeth and the Orange County crew for some Delphi time.