Privacy, Oops and a Request

Our forum group has grown lately, with new, recent and not so recent users posting.

This is a reminder about maintaining privacy in posts - in particular, please do not share

  • email addresses
  • phone numbers

even if they are your own. Remember this is now a public forum, not a private mailing list. :thinking:

We are getting a few addresses and phone numbers creeping in from signatures in email posts.
Can you check your signature to make sure you are not having an Oops! moment? :blush:

Your signature needs to be separated from from the body of your email with

- - minus, minus, whitespace (any number), end of line or string

for Discourse to strip your signature out of your email automatically.

So, to be sure, to be quite sure, a little request - if you are posting by email, please check how your post is displayed in the forum, and adjust it so you are not giving away family secrets. :wink: