Both are TGraphicControl descendants
1/ I need TImage’s sides inside TPanel’s boarders
2/ I need the TPanel’s boarder sizes to be the object size all as one object
So is the descendant order TGraphicControl TImage TCustomPanel TPanel?
Just put the TImage inside the TPanel and set the TImage.Alignment to alClient. The TImage will resize when the TPanel is resized. You’ll want to set TImage.Stretch and TImage.Proportional to the appropriate values for your application also.
These you can just get from the documentation for TImage and TPanel.
Or you could just look it up in the VCL source code directly.
correct me
TPanel does not use TGraphicControl but TCustomControl that is used for a example TStringGrid to give more user inputs into the object.
TGraphicControl is low on user inputs that i do not care about
TGraphicControl and TCustomControl still run the same canvas in the paint
So taking TPanel with heaps of user inputs gives me sizing to implant many TImage parts into TPanel
TPanel.paint gives sizes for the Image’s StretchDraw inside the bevels of TPanel
should work?
just remove the displaying the caption from TPanel
You should stop saying the word “use”, it could mean anything. It makes your posts very difficult to understand. Use more specific words that describe the real relationship between the classes.
For example my interpretation of your original sentence is:
TPanel does not inherit from TGraphicControl but instead inherits from TCustomControl. TCustomControl provides access to the native Windows handle of the underlying control, as can be seen in use by TStringGrid which also inherits from TCustomControl.
TGraphicControl is far less common and is for controls that do not have an underlying Windows handle. You’re basically taking responsibility for almost everything. Only inherit from TGraphicControl if you have no other choice.
Try something like this first before you go overcomplicating things unnecessarily.
procedure TMyComponent.ShowImagePanel;
MyPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
MyPanel.Parent := Self;
MyPanel.Caption := '';
MyImage := TImage.Create(MyPanel);
MyImage.Parent := MyPanel;
MyImage.Align := alClient;
MyImage.Stretch := your choice
MyImage.Proportional := your choice
That will give you a TImage inside a TPanel with the TImage resizing as the TPanel resizes.