Rad Studio 11 Welcome page

RS 11 has a new vcl based welcome page - unfortunately they decided to make us double click to open projects etc - which is rather annoying given all the years of muscle memory single clicking (in RS and most other dev tools with welcome pages).

Imho it goes against all ui conventions, you don’t double click on buttons (like on toolbars). Fortunately there is a work around


This will turn the recent projects etc into clickable links, like the prior versions.


Thanks, Vincent – very useful! :blush:

Thanks Vincent, this has been driving me nuts :slight_smile:

I do not use RS 11 much doing most of my work on 10.4 and I often close the Welcome page.

Now my Delphi 11 Does not have a Welcome page at all and no option in View to reinstate it. Upgraded to 11.2 same problem.

This topic implies Welcome Should exist in 11.2

Any Clues?l

Sounds like you are missing a package or two.

Have a look in the registry - if these are missing then add them and restart the IDE.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0\Known IDE Packages]
“$(BDS)\Bin\WelcomePage.Plugin.CreateNew280.bpl”=“Welcome Page Create New Plugin”
“$(BDS)\Bin\WelcomePage.Plugin.GetItFeed280.bpl”=“Welcome Page GetIt Feed Plugin”
“$(BDS)\Bin\WelcomePage.Plugin.Learn280.bpl”=“Welcome Page Learn Plugin”
“$(BDS)\Bin\WelcomePage.Plugin.OpenRecent280.bpl”=“Welcome Page Open Recent Plugin”
“$(BDS)\Bin\WelcomePageIDE280.bpl”=“Welcome Page IDE Package”

They all are defined in Known IDE packages and exist in the bin directory.

Not really a big problem I can do without it. I just thought I might be looking in the wrong place.

Help says View Menu should have a Welcome page entry as in 10.4 and mine no longer does.

I thought updating to 11.2 which requires a new install would fix it.

I was able to resolve the issue and recover the Welcome page by totally uninstalling Alexandria and installing from scratch.

Running the reinstalled version reminded me why the Welcome page was lost. In the beginning I had a major issue in that each time I opened 11 it it started in the Welcome Page delaying the startup and requiring me to close it before I g0t back to the saved layout.

At the time a solution was offered to remove the Welcome page by Renaming WelcomePageIDE280.bpl. This was not reversible even when updating to 11.2. Somewhere along the line Delphi created a new version of the bpl but the problem persisted.

The behavior that so annoyed me when Alexandria was released can now be resolved using the Tools settings in Delphi to moderate the annoying behavior

Saving and recovery options

Save Files
Save Desktop
Reopen Last Project

Welcome Page
Close Welcome Page when opening a project

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