Requirements for setting up PAServer

I am using AWS EC2 with Windows Server. I have installed the PAServer and it runs fine.

I have

  1. Added Inbound rule for port 64211 on Windows Firewall
  2. Added a lightsail inbound rule on AWS
  3. Added a Security Group on AWS

All restricted to my IP address. I have tried with and without password. I always get this error on the IDE when setting up Connection Profile Manager. There are no errors visible on the Windows Server.

Connection to ‘host-name’ on port 64211 failed. Please make sure that ‘Platform AssistantServer’ is running on the host machine and is configured to use port 64211

I am using static ip address at both ends. And have successfully added many port rules already. For instance, a REST server is working on port 2001.

  • What have I missed?
  • I see that there are python files in the distribution. Do I need to install PHP and python as well?

I used the Win32 PAServer on a Windows 10 x64 machine a few months back and it was as simple as running the PAServer installer. There were no dependencies I can remember having to install.

Here’s a screenshot of my firewall rules.

I wouldn’t have created those manually, either the installer added them or they were created by Windows Firewall prompting me to allow access when I first ran PAServer.

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On AWS Windows, it did not add them. I found that 64212 was an alternate port. Adding that still didnt make it work. Adding the program did. The trick was rmtdbg*.exe.

Perhaps you installed it as Admin. I don’t install anything as Admin. I use a user with admin priviledges and Windows normally prompts and elevates priviledges as required.