Thank you to our prize donors for 2024 Symposium!

Without wanting to appear mercenary, the prize pool this year is worth over $A33,000, with more than enough prizes for everyone to win.

Many regular prize donors continue to support the symposium with components, libraries and reference material

. creating installation files
. image processing
. charting and reporting
. Pascal and Lazarus
. importing and exporting
. viewers for Paradox, DBISAM and Advantage databases
. localization, resource building tools
. tour guides building tool
. document processing
. VCL styles
. debugging tool
. popular books by Dalija Prasnikar, Alister Christie
. ADUG Mugs
. video processing
. richview document processing
. code analysis and fine tuning tool
. UI component packs
. icon packs and generator tool
. tools for connecting to a wide range of PLCs
. Delphi Enterprise or C++ Enterprise
. RAD Server online training course
. Delphi Mobile Development training course

We thank the following companies for their support

unSigned, Xequte Software, Winsoft, Steema Software, Blaise Pascal, Scalabium, SI Components, Gnostice, Raize Software, LMD Innovative Softwareentwicklung, Code Partners, TRichView, NexusDB, TMS Software, Axialis, Fast Report, Mitov Software and last but not least, Embarcadero.

We also wish to thank Dalija Prasnikar and Alister Christie who gave generous discounts to ADUG to purchase their books for the prize list.

Thank you also to ProDelphi, LMD and Mitov for discount codes which will be available from the day of the Symposium.

Please consider these companies and people when looking for third party tools for your projects.

If you haven’t signed up now, does this tempt you?

Whether you have or not, can you spread the word to colleagues and like minded friends and invite them to the Symposium? The more attendees the merrier!

• Come for the talks.
• Stay for the prizes.
• Presentations recorded and available for attendees after the event.

Friday 17th May. Melbourne, Australia and ONLINE.

Last Day for Registrations :
• Sunday 12th May for the in-person Melbourne event,
• Wednesday 15th May for Online attendance.

Register now for the

There is also an after symposium dinner for Melbourne attendees, and a Sydney Get Together for the day at Castle Hill. Find more details on the Symposium Page.

See you there!

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