Unable to install Delphi 12

I have a licence valid for 12. I have had an enterprise version since XE6.

  1. It asks for rego details, I type it all in. I haven’t a clue why it cant find them automatically.
  2. It copies a whole lot of files
  3. Then it asks for the rego again. I type it in again.
  4. Now it bombs out saying I am not authorised to use C++ Builder.

Whats the trick?

If I go to the License Management screen it shows me this
This License Activates:

  • Delphi XE8 Enterprise

  • Time Left: 0

  • Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Enterprise

  • Time Left: 0

  • Delphi 10.3 Rio Enterprise

  • Time Left: 0

  • Delphi 10.4 Sydney Enterprise

  • Time Left: 0

  • Delphi 11.0 Alexandria Enterprise

  • Time Left: 0

  • Delphi 12 Athens Enterprise

“Time left: 0” - this sounds like you are either using a trial or what is known as a “term license”. A term license is a kind of subscription which ends after a certain period of time (days/weeks/months/years).

I would recommend rebooting your machine and then running the licensemanager tool (from the bin folder) and clicking on the “update” option. See if the license updates - it might have been some kind of glitch.

If it’s still not working after that then you will need to contact whoever you purchased the license from - a reseller or Embarcadero - so they can get to the bottom of what’s going on.

Hi Ian,

  1. I had already synced the licence manager.
    1. I have tried several times, with clearing the registry
  2. I did have the Beta copy installed. But that got removed by the release install. I had already deleted the beta licence from the license manager.
  3. It doesn’t say “Time Left:0” on the screen. But when I copy paste the text appears.

I suspect that its the effect of the beta. Is there a known way to remove it completely from the system?

Hi Ian,

I though about reinstalling the beta and uninstalling its on its own. But I couldn’t find it on my system.

So, I installed 12.0. It worked. But it did tell me that I did not have a licence for C++.

Question - is that a thing, seeing I have enterprise?

Now I am scared to update to 12.2. Because I have spent enough time on it and I am getting late to start my project.

I had purchased from Code Partners, so I will message them as well.

I have had issues the few times I have moved between beta version and normal version.

I haven’t had Enterprise edition.

But I did get this advice in the past for my issues : Delphi Registration Failing - #26 by Paul_McGee

This is the advice I would have given too Rohit. Let me know if you still have problems. Code Partners can definitely help too, they’re a smart bunch and I have a lot of respect for their team.