Does anyone here know whether it is possible to use QuickReports 6 with Delphi Sydney and Delphi Alexandria?
A bit of background to the question. The author of QuickReports died in late 2019 however you can still buy it from the authorised reseller.
The reseller provides you with what they say is full source but states they can provide absolutely no support. The version has installers for Delphi Rio but no later.
There is no QuickReports forum or online community that I’m aware of. If you know of one please let me know.
I have purchased a license but before I spend time trying to get it running in Sydney or Alexandria, I thought I’d ask here if anyone has been through the exercise and can tell me whether it went smoothly or if there are insurmountable obstacles that prevent getting it working in the latest IDE versions.
If so it should be relatively straight forward to get it to compile in 10.4/11 - most likely there is an inc file that defines things based on compiler versions… just need to update that - then open the latest packages in the 10.4 and save them as a new package. You might need to adjust the package dependencies etc depending on how they named the packages .
If it didn’t include the full source, you are out of luck.
I have what is supposedly the full source code but the reporting engines tend to be a bit more integrated into the IDE and susceptible to changes in the Open Tools API than your average component library.
I was just hoping someone had tried this before, before I wasted time going down a dead end.
Yes, we did it a while ago before I sold the business. From the date of the bpls we compiled in June 2020. The clients have probably been using the application for over 6 months. We used crystal reports for all the reporting except for printing the bill, only because the delay with crystal was to long. So the quick reports gets exercised a lot.