Watch value error in Delphi 11.3

In Delphi 11 64 bit target, I get the error: “E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing ‘String’”
When using Evaluate/Modify Watches (Ctrl+F7). It looks like a problem with converting strings in System.Sysutils or System. For example: ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) I can see ParamStr(0) value but not the ExtractFilePath value.
Another example:Application.Title := ‘My title’; I can see Application.Title value but can’t see ‘My title’ in the watch Window. Another example: Strings.SaveToFile(1.txt).
32 bit target seems to be ok.
Embarcadero support advised me to upgrade to Delphi 12.
Has anyone find a workaround in Delphi 11.3?

The linked error is specifically about inline variables; is that what you are seeing? It’s not obvious from the post exactly what you are seeing.

The error I see is like the screen andreas.rejbrand posted at the end of the page.
“E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing ‘String’”

Sounds like the error doesn’t mean what you think it’s just the compiler losing its mind after another failure