What does this error mean

I am trying a REST server with Firedac on a windows server on AWS.

When I ran it, it wanted the path to the mysql libs. I added it in. But I still get this message.

If it has the path to it. It must mean its the x86 bitness. Is this a cryptic way of saying 32 bits?

If it is, should I

  1. Reinstall 32bit Mysql
  2. Recompile the Server for 64bit

Compiling the server for 64 bit worked, unless it was a coincidence.

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The My SQL library files are not in place
you need to set up tables with fields to access your data
Are you not running some sort of SQL editor to set your tables up example - HeidiSQL
Are you running a Meridian database - easy to install ?

then worry about REST connection

Hi Lex, obviously thats in place.

the error to me is saying your database *.DLL’s were not found
those *.DLL’s are clearly SQL database named DLL’s for all SQL database access

So why does HeidiSQL access the database and REST does not?
using the very same *.DLL’s? for the very same tasks

is database passwords in the way or something
root password?