Hi all,
Currently using,
- Delphi 10.4
- Firebird Data Base
- Devart components as the Firebird interface
- TIBCStoredProc as stored procedure interface
My application is current located on a local drive during development
The end product will need to reside on a server with a fixed IP address to the Firebird DB so that authorized user can log in from remote sites
The questions I have
Do I need to implement “transports” for the current Devart components (ie connection and stored procedure components) and if so which transports specifically
or are the Devart components on there own good enough to give the intended clients a reasonable quick access to the Firebird DB across an IP address type connection on a remote server
If not can anyone please point us to a better set of components/solution so we can make the upgrade before clients come on line.
Manny thanks in advance
Grant Brown