ADUG 2024 Symposium

ADUG is excited to announce our 2024 Annual Symposium will be held on 17th May 2024.

Save time - Details and Registration web page here for 2024 ADUG Symposium

Join us for the day and expand your knowledge of the Delphi ecosystem. Four speakers will present on different areas of interest.

Topics range from building web applications, understanding security challenges and how to meet them, keeping code relevant over the long term, to new directions in the FastReports’ world.
• Tim Young gives us a tour of Elevate Web Builder. Build both your client and server web application quickly and easily using the familiar techniques we use in Delphi.
• Alister Christie shares practical strategies to bolster the security of Delphi applications. Join us for an illuminating session as we explore the challenges and strategies to fortify your Delphi applications against the ever-changing landscape of security threats.
• Mark Fletcher shows us how 2 million lines of code from the 1990s has been kept relevant into the 2020s. His team has navigated from an outright purchase model to SAAS, moved from a single retail channel vertical focus to a 16-channel ‘vertical’ focus and embraced integrations to lean into change.
• Michael Philippenko takes us through a brief review of the latest developments in FastReports, followed by discussion of support of the latest standards for displays, documents (bar-codes and PDF signification), multithreading in printing, and HTML and PDF two-side integration.

This ADUG symposium is being held in Melbourne and streamed online.

For those in Melbourne, come to The Bridge Mordialloc for a full day of talks, refreshments, lunch and the famous prize draw at the end of the sessions. There is a separate bistro dinner at the venue for those who wish to spend more time catching up with old friends and making new ones. Mark Fletcher will be joining us to present.

For those outside Melbourne, the day is streamed. If you live in a time zone that makes viewing all sessions difficult, recordings of sessions will be available to registered attendees.

Make the most of the opportunity to hear these speakers discussing topics relevant to developing secure, long-term systems for different application types.

Find out more about the 2024 ADUG Symposium


Last day for Melbourne Early Bird Registration for the ADUG 2024 Symposium is this Sunday, 7th April!

Why bother leaving the comfort of your own office to come out to the venue? LOTS of reasons.

  • Catch up with old friends and make new ones in a relaxed venue by the bay, The Bridge Mordialloc. Enjoy a social work-related day.
  • Light refreshments and lunch are included.
  • Get the chance to talk face-to-face with peers and expand your knowledge about all things Delphi and lots more.
  • Make the most of the opportunity to chat and ask questions of Mark Fletcher and his associates from Tower Systems, long term Delphi users, who are sharing their knowledge of business and strategy related to transforming a legacy Delphi application into a 100% SASS model, while continuing enhancements to meet new requirements.
  • Join in the fun proceedings of the prize giving and be first in line to buy this year’s ADUG mug to take home.
  • Stay for the separate after-party at the Bistro in The Bridge.

Online speakers on the day:

  • Tim Young talking about building web applications with Elevate Web Builder.
  • Alister Christie explores security vulnerabilities that might occur in Delphi applications and practical ways to build more secure Delphi applications.
  • Michael Philippenko shares the latest developments in standards for displays and printing among other topics in Fast Reports EcoSystem.

What are you waiting for? Register NOW, get the discount and join the fun at this value-packed event.

Register from the 2024 ADUG Symposium web page

Don’t miss it. :slight_smile: ADUG 2024 Symposium – ADUG

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I think this should generate a lot of interest among business owners who are depending on Delphi over time …

Come for the talks.
Stay for the prizes.
Videos recorded and available for attendees after the event.
See you there!
Friday 17th May. Melbourne, Australia and ONLINE.
Register now for the ADUG 2024 Symposium at the Symposium page on the ADUG website


Regrettably, my streak of attending every ADUG symposium to date will come to an end. I’ll be travelling interstate on the 17th. :frowning:
Which begs the question… when was the first one? Pre-2000? @Malcolm would know. His dedication to ADUG trumped his own honeymoon. (Did I get that right Malcolm?)

Well, I hesitate to admit that, in case my wife ever reads this. But I can tell you the first Symposium was in Melbourne on Friday the 19th of March, 1999. The reason I know the day and date is because I flew home and got married that weekend. Any suggestion I influenced the wedding date to allow me to attend is pure, baseless speculation :slight_smile:


…and Malcolm’s body was never found again…

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Didn’t she find out and break your leg a few years ago so you couldn’t attend :thinking: :smirk:

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ADUG 2024 Symposium Session 4 - Michael Philippenko: News of Fast Reports’ Ecosystem for Delphi in 2024

Michael Philippenko photo

For 25 years, since 1998, Fast Reports has been making the work of reporting and business analysis for programmers fast and efficient through the use of their libraries and tools for generating reports and documents from databases and other data sources.

Fast Reports components are the basis of hundreds of thousands of programs in different programming languages and for different platforms:

.NET Core, RAD Studio, Visual Studio, Lazarus, Mono, and others. The products are localized in more than 40 languages, and are used by over 20,000 developers in 130 countries.

This year we are excited to welcome Michael Philippenko to the ADUG Symposium to hear about the latest developments in FastReports. This includes

  • what’s new
  • the latest improvements for end-users
  • new design time tools for developers

Michael will be joining us online to share his news and discuss these developments, as well as explaining the latest standards for displays and documents (bar-code and PDF signification).
He will also touch on multi-threading in printing, and HTML and PDF two-side integration.

Join us on Friday 17th May to hear the about this and more at the ADUG 2024 Symposium in Melbourne, Australia and ONLINE, on Friday 17th May.

• Come for the talks.
• Stay for the prizes.
• Presentations recorded and available for attendees after the event.

Last Day for Registrations :
• Sunday 12th May for the in-person Melbourne event,
• Wednesday 15th May for Online attendance.

Register now for the ADUG 2024 Symposium at the Symposium page on the ADUG website, ADUG 2024 Symposium – ADUG

There is also an after symposium dinner for Melbourne attendees, and a Sydney Get Together for the day at Castle Hill. Find more details on the Symposium Page (above) and in the ADUG forum.

See you there!

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ADUG 2024 Symposium Session 1 - Tim Young : Building a Full-Featured Web Application with Delphi

Have you created anything for the web yet? Whether you are new to this part of the development environment or have been programming for the web for some time, there are always new things to learn.

Elevate Web Builder, currently at version 3.02 has been a mainline product for Elevate Software ever since it was first released in 2011.

Leverage your Delphi knowledge in this rapid application development environment for both client and server web applications.

It is simple and easy to create beautiful web applications by dragging and dropping components in a custom-designed WYSIWYG IDE. Developers can then use both the component inspector and code editor to modify component properties and add the necessary code to implement the desired application behaviors.

Elevate Web Builder is for developing both client web applications and server applications using a single language. It features a compiler that compiles Object Pascal source code to both JavaScript (client) and interpreted object code (server); tools that automatically create and transform source code for designer objects and event handlers; and an extensive runtime and component library for building beautiful and functional client and server web applications quickly and easily.

Join developer Tim Young from Elevate Software for a tour of the product, and find out how you can use Elevate Web Builder to create full-featured web applications quickly and easily.

• Come for the talks.
• Stay for the prizes.
• Presentations recorded and available for attendees after the event.

Friday 17th May. Melbourne, Australia and ONLINE.

Last Day for Registrations :
• Sunday 12th May for the in-person Melbourne event,
• Wednesday 15th May for Online attendance.

Register now for the ADUG 2024 Symposium at the Symposium page on the ADUG website, ADUG 2024 Symposium – ADUG

There is also an after symposium dinner for Melbourne attendees, and a Sydney Get Together for the day at Castle Hill. Find more details on the Symposium Page.

See you there!

Pretty sure I registered a few months ago, should I expect a zoom link via email?

Yes, it will be sent tomorrow.

It will also be in the Meetings → 2024 Symposium subcategory

A big thank you to the Committee and to all who contributed to make this Symposium the success that it was. The presentations were insightful and informative and the extensive prize list was the icing on the cake. Well done all!

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Thanks Don - appreciated.
Thanks Committee - job well done :-).

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