ADUG Symposium 2024 Melbourne Early Bird ending today and more prizes

Early bird registrations for the 2024 Symposium Melbourne event close today.

If you are still making up your mind, see ADUG 2024 Symposium reasons for coming to Melbourne . In-person symposia are always fun, so don’t miss out.

Register for the Symposium NOW!

We are also delighted to announce additional prizes not yet listed on the web page.

  • 2 x SmartInspect Licences from Code-Partners
  • 1 copy of each of Dalija Prasnikar’s books, ‘Delphi Memory Management’, ‘Delphi Event-Based and ASynchronous Processing’,‘Delphi Thread Safety Patterns’. These are physical books.
  • Multiple copies of each of Alister Christie’s books, ‘Code Faster In Delphi’ and ‘Code Better in Delphi’ . These are also physical books. (number to be confirmed)

For more information ADUG 2024 Symposium

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Do I have an outdated link or has it not started yet ?

I’m also waiting - changed a few minutes ago to “Host has joined - We’ve let them know you’re here”

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I just got in - looks like it is all happening…

I’m in now as well