Perth ADUG Meeting (Online)

WADUG Meeting - Tue 11th June

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024 ⋅ 6pm – 8pm (Australian Western Standard Time - Perth)

Geoff Smith - ADUG President - has been using GPT-4o to not only create Delphi code, but to trigger local compilation, and to automatically respond to the compiler errors and warnings.

Now he has gone too far, and recreated Tetris. :slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses:

// - - - - -

I’d like to suggest some regular ‘segments’

  • looking at a chapter of a Delphi book (eg Dalija Prasnikar’s Asynchronous & Event-based Delphi), and
  • discussing an interesting algorithm or coding puzzle.

// - - - - -

Topics that were flagged as of interest in the March meeting :

  • threads (TThread / ITask / IFuture) (and TFuture*)
  • testing (DUnit / DUnitX)
  • exploiting the features of FastMM4/5
  • discussing impressions from the ADUG Symposium

// - - - - -

Other meetings coming up

  • Melbourne on Monday 17th June. Geoff will also be speaking to them.

  • Uk Dev Group - Tuesday 18th June.

// - - - - -

The World Delphi Summit with a dozen great speakers is on on the 13th & 14th June.
You could have a free online ticket worth $300 - see the ADUG Forum.

// - - - - -

A cool bit of code - from Jon Aasenden

// **Fast and dirty StretchDraw()** ! 👀

procedure StretchDrawBitmap(TargetCanvas: TCanvas; const TargetRect: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
    SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstWidth, DstHeight: Integer;
    xRatio, yRatio: Integer;
    x, y: Integer;
    SrcX, SrcY: Integer;
    SrcColor: TColor;
    SrcWidth := Bitmap.Width; SrcHeight := Bitmap.Height;
    DstWidth := TargetRect.Right - TargetRect.Left;
    DstHeight := TargetRect.Bottom - TargetRect.Top;
    xRatio := (SrcWidth shl 16) div DstWidth;
    yRatio := (SrcHeight shl 16) div DstHeight;

    for y := 0 to DstHeight - 1 do begin
        SrcY := (y * yRatio) shr 16;
        for x := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do begin
            SrcX := (x * xRatio) shr 16;
            SrcColor := Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[SrcX, SrcY];
            TargetCanvas.Pixels[TargetRect.Left + x, TargetRect.Top + y] := SrcColor;

What’s going on with that shifting left and right? :thinking::slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses:

// - - - - -

Mark the date.

Paul McGee

Zoom meeting.

Topic: ADUG Perth Meeting

Thursday 8th February 2024
6:00pm Meeting open (Perth)
6:15pm Presentations start

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 5785 3513
Passcode: 400123

Relevant to a previous topic : (TActionLists)

User Interface Design with Actions - Ray Konopka - Delphicon 2023

The multiline strings and split windowing coming in very useful at the moment.

Part 2 from June. It was 4 hours in total with @Geoff explaining Delphi working closely, automated, with ChatGPT-4o

Feedback cycle from ChatGPT :

Sadly, splitting the video in two has given both halves weird timing. :confused:

Each part is NOT 4 hrs long. :sweat_smile:
It’s roughly 2 hrs each

These timing points are relative to the time coding in the video. The real time is half that.

00:10:00 .ics meeting invite format
00:15:00 ‘LLM without MatMul’ paper. Slide rules. Industry R&D
00:36:00 Geoff - Introduction
00:45:00 Previous presentations
00:56:00 AI topics overview. Tetris. Connect4. Snake.
01:05:00 Udio
01:15:00 ChatGPT Action Host. (API access). Local controller project
01:25:00 MyTime server via API
01:44:00 Expose local directory by API
01:47:00 Create PONG
02:08:00 NGroq
02:15:00 Future projects
02:22:00 RAG - Retrieval Augmented Generation
02:33:00 (Les Fox) CoPilot - future talk topic. General AI discussion
02:43:00 Delphi vintage info sources.
02:48:00 .ics, ISO8601 format, System.SysUtils.FormatDateTime
02:55:00 Shared ChatLog samples
03:20:00 Github & 2023 ADUG Symposium presentation
03:24:00 Colourising B&W photos

@Geoff 's AI-related Github page (initially from his 2023 ADUG Symposium talk)

And shared Chat examples …

WADUG May 2024. Part 2. With Dr Kevin Bond.

Maybe a few more views than I had expected …

WADUG - July 2024 Meeting - Youtube

The chat notes from the July Meeting.
Troy Hunt - from Have I Been Pwnd? [How I Met Your Data - Troy Hunt - NDC Sydney 2024]

VMware Workstation Pro: Now Available Free for Personal Use - VMware Workstation Zealot
VMware Workstation Pro: Now Available Free for Personal Use - VMware Workstation Zealot
Alister Christie - Fractals


Windows 10 Updates - to 2030

Minimal Windows 11 install

After 48 years, Zilog is killing the classic standalone Z80 microprocessor chip | Ars Technica
Lazarus / fpc Guava Code

Lazarus has anonymous functions ?
Feature announcement: Function References and Anonymous Functions

Lazarus has attributes
Custom Attributes - Free Pascal wiki

Claude-3 suggested to be much better at code than ChatGPT

Win 11 → Win 10 Downgrade Install

Affinity products
Affinity - adobe alternative - 50% off - 6 month trial

Creative Software For Professionals | Get 50% Off Today

Tech Enthusiasts: Everything in my house is wired to the Internet of Things! I control it all from my smartphone! My smart-house is bluetooth enabled and I can give it voice commands via alexa! I love the future!

Programmers / Engineers: The most recent piece of technology I own is a printer from 2004 and I keep a loaded gun ready to shoot it if it ever makes an unexpected noise.

Note to self : Perth meetup groups - Python, Rust, AWS, Github, AI, Linux,…

Contact @GrahameDGrieve to discuss fpc

1 Like

Late again. Dammit. :slight_smile:

Zipping out a quick notice for the meeting. Online again. 6pm Tue.

Lots of notes to supply … I will follow up in a few hours.

Thanks everyone,
Paul McGee


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Most of our Monthly Mailer

  1. WADUG August meeting. Tue 13th 6pm, WAST. Online.
ADUG Perth Meeting
6:00pm Meeting open (Perth)
6:15pm Presentations start

Join Zoom Meeting
  1. In-person meetings

  2. Delphi Dev Days - 10 days of content online

Starting in 2hrs30min as I am typing (11pm Monday 12th)

Current schedule of talks is here : Dev Days of Summer 2024 | CodeGear's Ultimate Summer Conference
Go sign up!

August 12th (CST) watch here

11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm

Empowering your apps with AWS
Writing an NT Service: A (Basic) Guide to …
Introduction to FireDAC: Fundamentals of Data Access

Richard Hatherall
Tim Coates
Jim McKeeth

August 13th (CST) watch here

12:00pm Why you should leave Delphi 7, once and for all - Dion Mai

  1. Recent Delphi stuff

John McDonald spoke in Melbourne about Spring4D

Jim McKeeth spoke in Orange County about SKIA and Codolex

Community Edition RAD Studio has been upgraded to 12.1

  1. In the News

Crowdstrike, well named, after wiping out 8.5 million Windows installs to BSOD on 19th July
has released their Root Cause Analysis : CrowdStrike releases root cause analysis of the global Microsoft breakdown - ABC News
It came down to … A REGEX … and a missed bounds check.

Also deleted Github info can still be accessed Anyone can Access Deleted and Private Repository Data on GitHub ◆ Truffle Security Co.

  1. Topics

I have contacted some people out on the internet that may be able to attend / talk with us in the future

Scott Hollows may have some details for us on something he has been working on. (Will not be recorded)

I like the idea, raised before, of Natural Sort … leading to the topic of using Union/Sum/Variant types.

Interfaces got some mention online this month in a couple of cases.
Once regarding (lazy) logging, once for UI dependencies.

There’s more, but my notes are a bit chaotic :slight_smile:

Next WADUG meeting will be in-person/hybrid. Tuesday 10th September, in the meeting room at Dome Belmont.

We’ll be trying hard to ensure a full experience for anyone attending online also.


Perth ADUG meeting round up - Part 1

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 11th - Jim McKeeth - FastMM :

(Previous video on GExperts :

Thursday 12th - Embarcadero - Delphi 12.2 :

Monday 16th - Melbourne ADUG - Starts 4pm WA time

Tuesday 8th October - Perth - David Millington - discussing his blog project ‘Building a CoPilot’ -

Monday 21st October - Melbourne - ADUG AGM & Grahame Grieve presentation

Next meeting will be back to fully online, for best appreciation of our guest.

Tuesday 8th October - from 6pm Perth time.

David Millington

  • (Embarcadero Product Manager)
  • Will be discussing his blog project … ‘Building a CoPilot’ -

And we will be discussing the 12.2 Launch webinars
… and may have some other guests drop in.

David Millington was in Perth a year or so (two?) ago …

For our 8th October meeting …
From David

Title: Building code tooling services for Delphi [and AI, copilots, etc]

Abstract: David is building new tools for understanding Delphi code. From a Copilot in-IDE to parsing Delphi with Python and building an accurate in-memory model of an entire project, resolving methods and types in Pascal code, and more: the tools are in-dev but could be used for AI, refactoring, a new LSP server, or more.

While the talk will be structured, these are in-dev projects. If you have time, read the Parnassus blogs about building a Copilot, but if not don’t worry. And it’s encouraged to ask questions! David does not mind if a talk takes a tangent if that’s what the audience is interested in.