Perth ADUG Meeting (Online)

WADUG Meeting - Tue 11th June

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024 ⋅ 6pm – 8pm (Australian Western Standard Time - Perth)

Geoff Smith - ADUG President - has been using GPT-4o to not only create Delphi code, but to trigger local compilation, and to automatically respond to the compiler errors and warnings.

Now he has gone too far, and recreated Tetris. :slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses:

// - - - - -

I’d like to suggest some regular ‘segments’

  • looking at a chapter of a Delphi book (eg Dalija Prasnikar’s Asynchronous & Event-based Delphi), and
  • discussing an interesting algorithm or coding puzzle.

// - - - - -

Topics that were flagged as of interest in the March meeting :

  • threads (TThread / ITask / IFuture) (and TFuture*)
  • testing (DUnit / DUnitX)
  • exploiting the features of FastMM4/5
  • discussing impressions from the ADUG Symposium

// - - - - -

Other meetings coming up

  • Melbourne on Monday 17th June. Geoff will also be speaking to them.

  • Uk Dev Group - Tuesday 18th June.

// - - - - -

The World Delphi Summit with a dozen great speakers is on on the 13th & 14th June.
You could have a free online ticket worth $300 - see the ADUG Forum.

// - - - - -

A cool bit of code - from Jon Aasenden

// **Fast and dirty StretchDraw()** ! 👀

procedure StretchDrawBitmap(TargetCanvas: TCanvas; const TargetRect: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
    SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstWidth, DstHeight: Integer;
    xRatio, yRatio: Integer;
    x, y: Integer;
    SrcX, SrcY: Integer;
    SrcColor: TColor;
    SrcWidth := Bitmap.Width; SrcHeight := Bitmap.Height;
    DstWidth := TargetRect.Right - TargetRect.Left;
    DstHeight := TargetRect.Bottom - TargetRect.Top;
    xRatio := (SrcWidth shl 16) div DstWidth;
    yRatio := (SrcHeight shl 16) div DstHeight;

    for y := 0 to DstHeight - 1 do begin
        SrcY := (y * yRatio) shr 16;
        for x := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do begin
            SrcX := (x * xRatio) shr 16;
            SrcColor := Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[SrcX, SrcY];
            TargetCanvas.Pixels[TargetRect.Left + x, TargetRect.Top + y] := SrcColor;

What’s going on with that shifting left and right? :thinking::slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses:

// - - - - -

Mark the date.

Paul McGee

Zoom meeting.

Topic: ADUG Perth Meeting

Thursday 8th February 2024
6:00pm Meeting open (Perth)
6:15pm Presentations start

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 5785 3513
Passcode: 400123

Relevant to a previous topic : (TActionLists)

User Interface Design with Actions - Ray Konopka - Delphicon 2023

The multiline strings and split windowing coming in very useful at the moment.

Part 2 from June. It was 4 hours in total with @Geoff explaining Delphi working closely, automated, with ChatGPT-4o

Feedback cycle from ChatGPT :

Sadly, splitting the video in two has given both halves weird timing. :confused:

Each part is NOT 4 hrs long. :sweat_smile:
It’s roughly 2 hrs each

These timing points are relative to the time coding in the video. The real time is half that.

00:10:00 .ics meeting invite format
00:15:00 ‘LLM without MatMul’ paper. Slide rules. Industry R&D
00:36:00 Geoff - Introduction
00:45:00 Previous presentations
00:56:00 AI topics overview. Tetris. Connect4. Snake.
01:05:00 Udio
01:15:00 ChatGPT Action Host. (API access). Local controller project
01:25:00 MyTime server via API
01:44:00 Expose local directory by API
01:47:00 Create PONG
02:08:00 NGroq
02:15:00 Future projects
02:22:00 RAG - Retrieval Augmented Generation
02:33:00 (Les Fox) CoPilot - future talk topic. General AI discussion
02:43:00 Delphi vintage info sources.
02:48:00 .ics, ISO8601 format, System.SysUtils.FormatDateTime
02:55:00 Shared ChatLog samples
03:20:00 Github & 2023 ADUG Symposium presentation
03:24:00 Colourising B&W photos

@Geoff 's AI-related Github page (initially from his 2023 ADUG Symposium talk)

And shared Chat examples …

WADUG May 2024. Part 2. With Dr Kevin Bond.

Maybe a few more views than I had expected …

WADUG - July 2024 Meeting - Youtube

The chat notes from the July Meeting.
Troy Hunt - from Have I Been Pwnd? [How I Met Your Data - Troy Hunt - NDC Sydney 2024]

VMware Workstation Pro: Now Available Free for Personal Use - VMware Workstation Zealot
VMware Workstation Pro: Now Available Free for Personal Use - VMware Workstation Zealot
Alister Christie - Fractals


Windows 10 Updates - to 2030

Minimal Windows 11 install

After 48 years, Zilog is killing the classic standalone Z80 microprocessor chip | Ars Technica
Lazarus / fpc Guava Code

Lazarus has anonymous functions ?
Feature announcement: Function References and Anonymous Functions

Lazarus has attributes
Custom Attributes - Free Pascal wiki

Claude-3 suggested to be much better at code than ChatGPT

Win 11 → Win 10 Downgrade Install

Affinity products
Affinity - adobe alternative - 50% off - 6 month trial

Creative Software For Professionals | Get 50% Off Today

Tech Enthusiasts: Everything in my house is wired to the Internet of Things! I control it all from my smartphone! My smart-house is bluetooth enabled and I can give it voice commands via alexa! I love the future!

Programmers / Engineers: The most recent piece of technology I own is a printer from 2004 and I keep a loaded gun ready to shoot it if it ever makes an unexpected noise.

Note to self : Perth meetup groups - Python, Rust, AWS, Github, AI, Linux,…

Contact @GrahameDGrieve to discuss fpc

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