Delphi Thread Safety Patterns
Writed by : Dalija Prasnikar, Neven Jr Prasnikar
Published date : 31/05/2022
Writed by : Dalija Prasnikar, Neven Jr Prasnikar
Published date : 31/05/2022
Writed by : William Meyer
Published date : 02/06/2022
[EDIT] PDF version is now available (26/06/22)
Discount code for Delphi Thread Safety Patterns - available here till June 14th
Writed by : Marco Geuze
Published date : 12/05/2022
Free. 42 pages. A marketing tool, I guess. Asks you to submit an email address (… not at the link below).
04 Intro
05 Use the right tools
08 Stay away from the mouse!
10 Clean code
12 Solid principles
40 Coding, the Delphi way
42 Next steps
How to Program Effectively in Delphi for AS/A Level Computer Science by Dr Kevin R Bond published November 2021, 1200 pages
How to Program Effectively in Delphi For AS/A Level Computer Science by Dr Kevin R Bond.
Currently discounted 25%.
Available in print form from our Australian distributors, AUS $80 + P & P, also available as a pdf AUS $53.
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Sample chapters available from
Declaration of interest: I am the author.
“Wait. Hear me out.”
Overview - Create a Static analyser in Rust
To try out the concept of Literate Programming (using the awesome tango crate), I’m going to write a small static analyser.
Because it’s so much more interesting to use a programming language available in the wild, compared to some contrived example, we’re going to analyse Delphi (a Pascal variant).
Believe it or not, but this entire book is the actual source code for this static analyser. Check out the repo on GitHub if you want to see more.
Bruno Fierens running through a shelf-full of Delphi books …
A superb book. Disclaimer: I wrote the foreword so I could be considered biased but it IS an excellent book none-the-less and shows the complete development of an app from start to finish including cloud based database back end and lots of cool tricks in the app code too. He really is a great author.
Is there an english translation (including example)?
I don’t believe so. On the other hand, it’s currently AU$9 (!)
The contents look GOOD.
I converted the Table of Contents to english. (With somewhat the help of Google Gemini, until it flaked )
Link : Master of Delphi - ToC - (english) - Google Docs
Master of Delphi - ToC - (english) - Google Docs.pdf (58.4 KB)